

Welcome to Scouts BSA Troop 503

Boy Scout Troop 503 Flag


Scout Oath

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
To obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Slogan

Do a Good Turn Daily.



Posted on Dec 19 2024 - 2:49pm
  • Wreath Money is due!!

As a reminder, please RSVP yes or no to these events so we know you've made a decision to attend or not to attend.  Thank you!! 

Need to contact a leader?

Posted on Oct 29 2024 - 9:22pm

Here are some convenient email addresses for you to remember. These will automatically be delivered to the their email accounts: 

Scoutmaster: Mr. Green -> scoutmaster@hastingstroop503.org
Committee Chair: Mr. Krehbiel -> committeechair@hastingstroop503.org
Advancement Chair: Mrs. Noonan -> advancementchair@hastingstroop503.org
Webmaster: Sam Krehbiel -> webmaster@hastingstroop503.org

Additional Email Addresses?

Posted on Sep 25 2023 - 8:56pm

Does your son or spouse also want to get Troop emails and access to the website? If so, please contact us via webmaster@hastingstroop503.org and we'll get them added.  Please send any other helpful contact information (e.g., phone numbers) at the same time.  Thank you!

Did You Know?

Posted on May 21 2022 - 10:08am

You can access scout advancement information on the troop website. It is accessible from the link on your rank which is next to your name in the troop roster or on a sign up.

Click on the Troop Roster link on the left navigation bar. This brings you to a page with all of the available rosters. Click on the "Scouts" roster. Find your name and click on your rank. The next page displayed will be your Individual Progress Report. This lists when you have completed each rank, and all of the merit badges you have completed. This also shows what is required for your next rank advancement. Check it out!

Is your calendar in sync with the Troop's?

Posted on Dec 18 2017 - 8:23am

Did you know you can easily sync the Troop calendar with your Apple, Windows, or Android device, or your Google, Outlook, Hotmail, or Yahoo calendar?  Stay in sync with the latest events by logging into the site and clicking on Calendar Sync under the User section of the menu. Get in sync today!! 

City Council Presentation

Posted on Dec 18 2017 - 8:22am

The Troop was presented a check for $410.85 from Tennis Sanitation Green Team for the Troop's efforts in promoting community recycling.  Check out Hastings Community TV 14's coverage here as well as KDWA's coverage here.  Nice job scouts!

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